Founder Colin Daley
I am a qualified facilitator and former Training Officer with West Yorkshire Police (WYP), I have been presenting and teaching professionally for over 25 years, I am subscribed to the CRB update checking scheme.
My own interest in astronomy and space science stemmed from the Apollo programme in the late 1960’s with me writing to Neil Armstrong after his return to Earth from the Moon landing. After receiving a response on being an astronaut and space survival it has inspired a lifelong interest in astronomy and space science.
Since my retirement from WYP in 2015:
I have taught astronomy to adults on outreach projects in the community.
Business engagements
Open evenings at The West Yorkshire Astronomical Society (WYAS) where I was a member and Chair of the Society until 2020 when I left to focus on developing my business.
I have been fulfilling the requirements for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts badges at Groups throughout Yorkshire,
Learning students about astronomy and space science in schools throughout Yorkshire using a 6x4mtr planetarium.
My aim with Aurora Planetarium is to explain the Solar System and Space beyond our small planet in an immersive theatre environment whilst inspiring minds in the process.
I am a member of The British Association of Planetaria.